What marketing plans are


There is no strict division of marketing plans. It all depends on the goals and objectives of the business. Most often plans are divided by time, purpose, and model.

Classification by time. Plans can be short-term, medium-term and long-term.

There is no clear division of time, but usually short-term plans are used to solve some corporate problems for up to a year.

Medium-term plans are from 2 to 5 years. They plan the introduction of new products, the scaling of business, etc.

Long-term plans have a duration of more than 5 years. They usually include investments in the development of their own infrastructure, expansion of business geography, etc.

Classification by purpose. Marketing plans may include a variety of goals. They depend on the sphere of business, its size and many other factors.

For example, in the digital sphere, the goals may be as follows:

SEO-promotion – also in the plan include paid promotion strategies on the type of native and contextual advertising.
SMM-promotion – everything that the company plans to do in social networks is prescribed: to conduct groups, set up targeting, communicate with customers, etc.
Content marketing – what content the company will publish on different platforms to promote their products
New product launch plan – this is essentially a road map: from the creation of the product to its release to the market, as well as plans for further promotion.

Model Classification. Determines which approach will be used to solve problems. I’ll tell you about the most well-known models of marketing plans. It determines the approach to achieve the goals of the company, the structure of the marketing plan and its name. Depending on the planning model, there are the following plans: SOSTAC, 4P, 8P and others.